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<h1>Meet us online and offline</h1>
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Meet us online and offline

Join our upcoming in-person and online events or check the resources from our past conferences, webinars & meetups.

AutomateNOW! Meetups around the Globe

4 continents, 18 countries, and 25 locations worldwide: that’s our meetup community in a nutshell. We gather regularly to share knowledge, discuss relevant topics, network and enjoy the community spirit. Feel free to join our upcoming events!

Join us

Past events

AutomateNOW! Stockholm #3

We have the great pleasure of inviting you to the in-person meetup in AutomateNOW! series in Stockholm! Join us to learn what's new in the realm of modern enterprise automation and orchestration.

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AutomateNOW! Madrid #1

Take part in the premiere event of the AutomateNOW! series in Madrid! We will discuss how to efficiently orchestrate data pipelines and adopt

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AutomateNOW! Marseille #1

Meet AutomateNOW! and Beta Systems teams in Marseille to learn how to reap all the benefits of enterprise-scale orchestration!

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AutomateNOW! Brussels #1

For the first time, AutomateNOW! meetups are coming to Brussels! Join us to learn about the ongoing transformation of the workload automation landscape.

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AutomateNOW! Event in Brasília

In the capital of Brazil, Beta Systems and partner 4Bears will be showcasing how to migrate from outdated schedulers to AutomateNOW!, promoting orchestration and automation across all environments, services, and applications.

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AutomateNOW! Webinar (Spanish)

Join this upcoming webinar for Spanish speakers! Free yourself and benefit from the full potential of your infrastructure with the best practices and case studies presented by subject matter experts.

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AutomateNOW! Warsaw #12

During the first AutomateNOW! meetup in 2024 we dived deep into the topics of automation's role in data architectures, automated data quality checks, and multicloud environments automation.

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AutomateNOW! Paris #1

Join our first AutomateNOW! meetup in Paris and get to know the latest enterprise automation and orchestration strategies showcased by the industry leader.

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Next Generation Workload Orchestration

InfiniteDATA and Beta Systems' exclusive event in Munich! Amazing rooftop venue with breathtaking views, inspiring presentations and great opportunities for networking.

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Beta Systems International Technology Forum 2023

InfiniteDATA team joined our partner's Beta Systems International Technology Forum in Berlin, at the same time celebrating Beta Systems' 40th anniversary.

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AutomationWEEK 2021

5 days filled with enterprise automation knowledge, discussions with subject-matter experts on current trends as well as practical aspects of data pipelines and business application workflows automation, Cloud and DevOps.

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Enterprise Automation Forum 2019

A full-day conference with great keynotes, intensive parallel tracks, valuable roundtable sessions, and great networking. Topics discussed included IT operations, cloud orchestration, data transfer, and many more.

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AutomateNOW! Warsaw #10

During December's meetup, we talked about automation trends, democratized file transfer, and causes of failure in automation projects. There were plenty of networking opportunities! Read the summary here.

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AutomationWEEK 2023

The biggest online conference with a rich program dedicated solely to the topic of democratized enterprise is coming soon! Join hundreds of attendees enjoying the interactive virtual event.

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AutomateNOW! Helsinki #3

The vibrant tech scene in Helsinki wouldn't be complete without AutomateNOW! Meetups! Together with our partner Vincit, InfiniteDATA hosted an in-person meetup. We chatted about the possibilities of SAP integration, the benefits of BI ecosystem automation, and the latest trends on the WLA market.

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Meetup AutomateNOW! Warsaw
AutomateNOW! Warsaw #11

That evening was filled with networking, snack and drinks, and informative sessions on enterpise automation maturity, SAP intelligent automation. Participants could learn about the best practices of automation and share their own experiences.

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